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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Sokisho?
Sokisho is a marketplace platform for Kenya where businesses can promote their products and services. Whether you're a business owner looking to reach more customers or a buyer searching for local products and services, Sokisho connects you with opportunities in your area.
How do I list my product or service?
Simply click the + button at the bottom of the screen, fill in your business details, product/service description, and add an optional photo. Your listing will be immediately visible to everyone in your selected city.
How long will my post stay on the platform?
7 days. You can repost it after it expires.
Are there products and services that are not allowed?
We do not allow listings for alcohol, gambling, sex related services and products, drugs, medicine, loans and others.
Can I post products and services in another country?
No, your products and services must be available in the selected city.
Is it free to use?
Yes! Sokisho is currently free to use for both businesses and customers. You can post listings, browse products and services, and contact sellers without any charges.
How do I contact a seller?
Each listing has "Call" and "WhatsApp" buttons. Simply click the one you prefer to directly contact the seller through your preferred method.
How do I save listings?
Click the "Save" button on any listing to add it to your saved items. You can view all your saved listings in your profile section. You'll need to be logged in to use this feature.